Thursday, February 2, 2017

Zenutrients Strawberry Lip Butter Review

Zenutrients Strawberry Lip Butter, 15g
Bought from: Zenutrients Counter
Bought for: P170

And so I heard Zenutrients revamped their packaging. Today, I am going to talk about one of their organic products, the Strawberry Lip Butter! From plastic to fragile jars? Both have pros and cons. First, I like that the new packaging does not look like it's only P170 but it's bulky and definitely, something I won't prefer bringing outside. The old one is housed in a plastic container which allows you to accidentally drop it without breaking it.

Ingredients and Expiry Dates

I think it only has a lifespan of a year. With it containing a good amount of 15g of products inside and that a little of it goes a long way already, I still think that I could finish this in less than a year especially, I am using it everyday to test if it really could solve my dry lips problem.

It directs consumers to apply it once or twice a week and rinse with water afterwards but I prefer letting it stay til all the moisture get absorbed into my lips.

As you can see, the product looks creamy red but when you try to dip your finger to swatch it, you will notice that it looks orange than red. I thought it would impart a nice subtle redness on my lips, but I got disappointed. However, it actually is a winner in the moisture department because of its high hydration content. If you are not a fan of lip care products that are glossy, do not resort to this as there are other lip balms that do not look super oily but equally moisturizing.

I already half-emptied this jar and I still have dry lips. For me, it's like typical lip balms that moisturize lips temporarily so re-application is necessary. I would not substitute my favorite Vaseline Petroleum jelly for this (because the latter's definitely a quarter only of the former's retail price and much more effective) but I would suggest it for those who wants to try a lip butter that smells yummy like Strawberry because I think it was what I paid for. Also, it is made up of organic ingredients that are safe for the body.

Have you tried this, ladies? Care to share your thoughts? Happy blogging!


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