Monday, November 9, 2015

Taking Gifting To The Next Level

Time flies so swiftly. Yesterday seems like a new year, a new beginning and now we are almost in the rear of 2015. Where did time go, seriously?

I guess Christmas is a season for wish list making, yes? Add it to the mix, you are truly into celebrating a generous holiday with the people that you care about. But, of course, let us not limit ourselves for wishing only what we always yearns to have. Let us take time to contemplate and ponder on other people's need as well through performing in our own philanthropic ways.

This time I will be talking about gift-giving since I can already feel the season of sharing to those people who needed love and care the most. Think about it, Christmas is not only the moment where we should give back to others, but every time and every day is. Give something back and remember that it is in giving that we receive something.

Anyway, do you still remember when you were still these cute little kids and you wished some things under the mistletoe and would eventually get it on the day of Christmas? Surely, you do. Most of us do. We all have wish lists--material things that we always wanted. What's mine? Here, I'm gonna show them to you!!!

What is my Christmas wish list for myself?

-craft materials

I'm actually starting to love shoes nowadays so they are my priorities for my own wish list, aside, of course, from happiness and world peace and long and healthy life for my loved ones. I maybe should join pageants (with no beauty and height, haha). No, seriously, if I would be granted just a single wish and it could be anything? I would wish for a long and healthy life for the people that I care about.

Since I am starting to love make ups, I would wish for basic must-haves like foundation, mascara, eyebrow contour kit, gel liners and lipsticks. I prefer mousse foundations or powder foundations since according to my research they are the best kind for oily skin, mascara, however, would open up my eyes and Maybelline Hypercurl would give me that natural look I always wanted. Shaping my brows and filling it in suddenly become a hobby of mine since it is what I think frames my face. And having well-groomed eyebrows just complete the look. I would use gel liners for my eyelids though since I wanted to learn to do what my friends call 'cat eye' and I quite suck at that. Hmph. So yeah, I wanted to practice more.

I actually love art. I don't do drawings or paintings so I admire people who can do such things. And by saying so, DIY for me is art and turning a simple box into something colorful, for example, is one thing I could do using craft materials. Additionally, looking at this lovely pieces somehow just cheers me up. So for 2016, I'm looking forward for more DIYs, making my day extra productive.

What are my gift ideas for my loved ones this year?

-customized shirts
-personalized perfume bottles
-personalized necklaces, charms, pendants

For my family, I think this would be the perfect gift ideas for them--a statement shirt for my mother, father and two brothers. They could just keep it though as it's too obvious I brag about them to much to people. Hahah! Or they can wear it at home only.

The first time I saw this at Chemiscents on their Instagram page, I was instantly hooked up, I actually wanted one for myself. This would be a good decoration on shelves and a cute gift to people that I care about.

For a special someone and for extra special people, I can give them necklaces with their names or initials on them. I can also give them personalized keychain to hang on their bags or anywhere they want to.

So or my loved ones, I would prefer giving them something personalized so that they would feel extra special. That's why my gift ideas for them are customized perfume bottles, necklaces, statement shirts (describing them). Some might find these ideas boring or too trite? But I think having to received such gifts is really a touching moment because, I don't know, I tend to become sentimental at times and just value what others would give me, even if they are stones, you know. >:D

But the most special gift I could ever give them is love and time. They are not expensive but I know they are priceless though. You never know when there is still enough time to hug, kiss and spend some quality time with them so you better do it while you still can.

How do I plan to give back to others this Christmas?

-baking and cooking for them
-giving them stuff toys

To the less fortunate families, giving them food is something that they would appreciate a lot. So I think, baking goods and cooking for them, sort of like a feeding program, is a good gift idea because you are able to fill them emotionally with happiness and physically with food. I could also volunteer in feeding programs because I've been a witness to how these people could be so happy that people would care about them. This is one of those simple things I, we could do to give back to others.

Having to receive presents is one thing that would make us happy, but sharing is another that would make us feel happy and blessed all at the same time. Seeing someone smile is something that we should practice on doing more often because it tells us what person we truly are inside. Now that the Christmas is near, it could be the time to show our support and help others who have less or nothing for Christmas.

So how do I plan to give back to others this Christmas? They say the best things in life are free. Love is free. Care is free. I encourage you, guys, to include each of us in your own little prayers. Let's do this, and we could make Christmas truly a season of love and giving. If you could, give a bear of joy today. Let's remember them as we shop. This is the least of all the things that we could offer to them. For only PHP200, you get to take home your own teddy bear, at the same time, you've been given the opportunity to share what you have to these less fortunate kids who deserve so much more. It will be our own little way to tell them how loved and blessed they are.

For more updates about this year’s “Merry SM Christmas” campaign, visit SM’s official Christmas microsite ( and follow its official social media accounts at Facebook (, Twitter (, and Instagram (; and get an insider access to all the fun happenings at SM Supermalls nationwide through Viber ( Shoppers can actively share their holiday merriments inside the SM Supermalls by posting their photos on social media and adding the hashtag #MerrySMChristmas2015.

So those are my gift ideas! What about yours? It would be a truly Merry SM Christmas! Share some love! Happy blogging!


Disclaimer: I don't take ownership to photos. Credits to those who took the pictures posted above. :)

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