Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Only Tangible Gift I Received in 2020

I didn't mean to sound ungrateful and entitled, it's actually the other way around. 2020 is such a sad year for everyone because we had to suffer from all kinds of losses because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite everything, I am so grateful for the life I'm still living. It was during this year when I finally came to appreciate the simpler things in life. I also realized that blessings are not always coming in the form of material things and that real blessings are so priceless just like the times we were given to spend with our friends and families.

However, I wouldn't lie if I say that it still feels surreal receiving a Christmas gift from a PR family even though I was on hiatus for the entire 2020. Despite being the only tangible gift I got last year, my heart still warms up to the idea that I'm not forgotten and that's something that will always cheer me up.

I was briefed by a college friend that her company is sending me something but I didn't expect that it would be like this. They sent me a package twice, one arrived before Christmas and the other one for New Year. I'm not sure if there was a mistake, but yes, I got two G-Movies packages.

Inside were a few goodies including a popcorn bucket, a Coca-Cola can, an insulated cup and wooden cup holder, an ecobag, Toblerone, a power bank and a free ticket to watch an MMFF film via Upstream. Definitely the perfect bundle for an uninterrupted binge-viewing this holidays!

Right now, I'm still busy so I couldn't find time streaming plus I'm still not finished with Bridgerton but I will surely do it on my rest day this week. I'm thinking of Fangirl which I've heard bagged most awards and The Boy Foretold By The Stars. Any thoughts on these movies? Ooops, nevermind, not now! Hahaha! Let's have a conversation once I'm done watching.

Hope you're having a great day today! Cheers!

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