Friday, January 1, 2021

Sample Room's 8th Birthday + October-December Haul 2020

Retail therapy has always improved my anxiety and stress level. I've been trying to keep my spending to a minimum and I guess it's somehow possible because...oh well, there's Sample Room. We get random stuff for free (you only need to pay for shipping) and we discover products we never know exist. Some of them even turn out to be holy grails. Small things like this make a substantial proof that life is, indeed, full of surprises.

Today, I consolidated some of the items I got from them for the past couple of months and decided to make a blog because I find the items super interesting. I even joined their birthday contest and I won a couple of home essential items--a citrus-scented candle and a linen spray. I've always wanted to own one of these and I finally got to try them. Thanks, Sample Room!

Since it's been a while since I shared a haul with you, let me talk a bit about some of the items I got. This is no way to brag or something. My purpose is to let you have an idea of what to expect when you buy from Sample Room.

Because of the pandemic, I've been extra careful of my surroundings. I get paranoid every time I see dirt on surfaces and the OC in me just couldn't sit back and relax. It's smart of Sample Room to have cleaning items available in their website. Here's an example: Max Kleen Anti-Bacteral Multi-Surface Wipes. It comes with 40 sturdy sheets of surface cleaners to wipe germs and bacteria in your kitchen sinks or tables or pretty much any surface deemed necessary of cleaning. Prior to carting this, I got the Max Kleen Disinfectant Surface Sanitizer and 3 bottles of Ambi Pur Fabric Spray Bottles from them too.

I also love trying out different skincare items from them. Since I am running out of a facial wash, I got myself this Pond's Anti Bacterial Facial Foam which I believe is kind of new in the market. I'd like to use a product that fully gets rid of all dirt and germs on my face that not just cause breakouts but possible viral infection too.

Currently, I am loving this facial wash! It cleanses my skin thoroughly and makes it look brighter and clearer. I am using it together with Pond's White Beauty Perfect Potion Essence and Serum Burst Cream which I both got from Sample Room in my previous purchases.

And yes, aside from random home essentials and skincare items, they also carry health and fitness items to keep your body and immune system healthy. I also got this C-Lium Fibre Food Supplement mainly to address my constipation problem. Plus, it's flavored so you get to take a delicious, yet healthy drink!

So yep, that's pretty much everything. I still had tons of items I got from them which I wasn't able to share with you, guys. If you want me to do more haul blogs, please let me know! And before we end this, I'd like to greet you all a Happy New Year! May 2021 be your year. Love lots!

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