Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Myra E D-Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) 400IU Capsules Review

Myra E D-Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) 400IU Capsules
Bought for: P345
Bought from: Watsons, Makati

Mom and I have been using Myra E for months before but I never, even once, tried to write a proper review about it. I stopped for quite a while, maybe that's why I forgot all about it lol. But when I started working and I noticed that I'm frequently having stressed, dull and tired-looking skin, I decided to go back to using the only beauty/health supplement to prevent and aid Vitamin E deficiency my mom has been using for years.


D-Alpha Tocopherol's antioxidant effect helps: (1) Maintain healthy skin and eyes for youthful glow; (2) Protect against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disorders; (3) Improve nerve functions and help prevent onset of neuromuscular degenerative diseases.


The product comes in tiny orange soft gel capsules with Myra E 400 printed on each and every capsule. They are easy to swallow and do not contain any unpleasant odor. It is also available in 300 IU bottles for less than the price. It comes in typical supplement bottles with a cap that tightly shuts to prevent bacteria and other contaminants from coming in. It also has complete labeling from the claims to the manufacturing and expiration dates.

This product is loaded with d-Alpha Tocopherol which, according to Unilab, is the natural form of Vitamin E which stays longer in the blood and performs better than those synthetic ones. Apart from this, it also aids as the body's fat and antioxidants which acts as the first defense against free radicals. It also repairs damage cells and promote renewal of the skin, heart, lungs and liver.


Orally, one soft gel capsule once or twice daily. Or as prescribed by a physician. I follow the indicated dosage for this supplements and I make sure not to take more than the recommended strength so as not to trigger any side effects or overdoses. I usually take one soft gel a day, preferably before going to sleep since that's when the body do most of the renewal of skin cells.

It is best to consult a doctor if any of undesirable effects occurs If you are pregnant or think you may be, or planning to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. The effects of high vitamin E during pregnancy and breastfeeding are not yet known.


This product is recommended for ages 19 and up and since I am already 20 years old, I wanted to take care of my skin both inside and out as early as now. I am so glad that it does not cause me any allergic reactions like break outs or even signs that I am allergic to its components. With daily use, I can see that my skin is becoming brighter and healthier-looking. My mom says that she loves taking Myra-E everyday because she does not get dry skin any more and it's visibly firmer. She's in her late 40s and because of that, she is more prone to dry skin but I consider her a living testimony of how effective this product is in bringing out the radiance to your skin. It might take time before you fully see noticeable difference on the appearance of your skin since most of the effect would be on the inside. If you really want to see significant results, try taking it religiously without missing a day/s.

Apart from Myra-E capsules, I am also taking Vitamin C (Fern-C) and I did not see any adverse reactions to my skin. By the way, it is okay as long as you don't take any supplements with Vitamin E on it to avoid excessive intake.

Overall, I really love Myra E D-Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) 400IU Capsules and would highly recommend it to everyone. It has a good price point and you can easily get a bottle at most leading drugstore, department stores and supermarkets nationwide!


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